If you are staying at our holiday rental house, Maremar, or one of our apartments, Marona or Marblava in Sant Feliu de Guixols, we will be pleased to offer advice and help…
OK, some of these things look a bit strange, but we can assure you that they are all delicious! Have a try…
For ideas about fishy things that you might not otherwise try, click here or on the picture to the left.
For veggie delights, click here or on the picture to the left.
There are some fabulous milk products and desserts that are a bit unique to. Click here, or on the picture, to learn more about interesting milk products and desserts on the Costa Brava.
And as for the rest…
Cargols, snails, are a great favourite here, cooked in a tomato sauce rather than garlic butter.
If it has been raining and you see people at the sides of the roads with bulging carrier bags, they are almost certainly snail pickers!
Going on to the meat (“carn)” in Catalan – well we don’t tend to eat that much on the coast but if you like it then do try:
- Buttifarra – a big meaty saussage not unlike a Cumberland. Usually served with chips or white beans or both.
- Steak – it may seem like a cop out to eat steak, but not here. Girona steak (bistec, filet, entrecot etc) is highly regarded all over Spain.
- Espalda de xai (shy) or cabrit (leg of lamb or goat). Usually done in the oven the “antic” way with tomatoes, onions and potatoes. Slow roasted and absolutely delicious.
- Pernil/Jamon – this is a darker, dryer ham than you tend to see and it is very delicious. If you see a big variation in price, that’s a relflection of the quality. The best is Jabugo – acorn fed ham.
- Pollastre (pulyastra) is chicken and it is very good rotisseried.
Rice and Pasta
Fiduea (fiderwa) and rossejat de fideus (russerjat de fidayus) – both made with little angel’s hair pasta done with fish and seafood stock. Sometimes there are bits of squid in it and sometimes not. The top is toasted to make the pasta bit crunchy. Usually served with all i oli (garlic mayonnaise “ay ee olly”).
There is also a rossejat de arros which is roughly the same but made with rice.
Arros negre – this is a risotto made with squid and their ink. Do try it if you can, it is absolutely delicious and very very Catalan. Rice or pasta with “negre” (black) after it means that it is with squid’s ink.
Paella – we think you know this one…but… arros caldos is a paella but with more liquid.
And for kids…
Have a go with the croquetes/croquetas (croquette potatoes). They are usually a hit.
Mandonguilles/albondigas are tasty meatballs much loved by everyone. They are available in many places and also at Can Prat.
Can Prat also do a mean cannelloni – which, believe it or not is a Catalan favourite. All freshly made and no e numbers whatsoever!
Lomo is a pork or veal escalope covered in breadcrumbs which always seems to be a hit with kids.
Sonsos or tiny little whitebait are also a regular favourite for kids here.
Ways of cooking
“A la brasa” is on the barbeque and many meats, seafood and veg are done like this.
“Al forn”/”al horno” is in the oven.
“Fregit (frejeet)” is fried.
“Saltejat” is sauteed.
“Guisat (geesat)” is stewed.
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